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Jada Shampine

2017 DITR Thrill of Victory and Teen Choice Award


My name is Jada Shampine, I’m 15 years old, and I am a Diamond in The Raw. My experience in the DITR Leadership and Film boot camp was awesome and very beneficial for me. The program taught me how to be more self-confident, and self- aware, how to approach, introduce and pitch myself. The program also taught me and the girls how to make a film which was great! I also was able to meet a lot of amazing people every week, like producers, writers, editors, photographers, singers, dancers and actresses, for instance I met Angela Means from the movie Friday (Bye Felicia). This program can open up avenues, and open doors for girls that would like to be in the film industry. We had weekly workshops and field trips. I was able, to tour A & E Lifetime studios and do a TABLE READ for our movie Sleepless Nights. We also went to Sony and Fox studios for a tour, which was awesome! I met a lot of female executives who worked in different departments. We went to KJLH radio station and met Adai Lamar, Big Pee Wee, and Bobo who we listen to on the radio everyday which is cool! The Diamond in the Raw foundation helped me move towards getting into the film industry. I would love to be an actress and a model. I truly recommend young ladies to become a Diamond in the Raw, this program is the best and they show you so much love, support, and encouragement, and really built my self-esteem. At the end of the program we had an awesome sleep over which was a lot of fun. I thank Ms. La Faye, Valerie, Ceret, Megan, Tarik and all the wonderful people who made this possible for us. Being a Diamond in the RAW is a great experience for me, and I would definitely do it all over again.

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