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Nothing can be more rewarding than being up close and personal to the life or lives that you're impacting.  You know that you can make a difference and that the care and value you have for At-Risk girls are immeasurable. Sometimes, helping others impacts our lives even greater than the ones we help.

Donate to Our Programs

  • Concepts in a Box Leadership & Film Boot Camp

  • You’re Beautiful Inside and Outside Workshop

  • Power in the Voice Podcast Workshop

  • Diamond N2Coding Workshop

  • Precious Stones Mentorship Workshop

  • Precious Stone Mentorship Program

  • Make Money & Millions Workshop

You can also make a difference in the lives of the future leaders of our world. Do your part by taking action NOW to help change the life of these deserving girls. Make a mark that can never be erased. DONATE NOW 

Online Shopping
Happy Family
Game Designer

Donate Using AmazonSmile

You can shop to give!  When you sign up through Smile program, participating businesses that you purchase from will donate 0.05% of every sale to Diamonds in the Raw.  Giving to yourself has never been more rewarding!

Membership Subscription

Practice abundant living through our membership subscription.  Giving is a lifestyle and there's no better way to impact the world than through helping At-Risk girls learn how smart, successful and powerful they truly are when living up to their greatness.   Your life makes an impact on a monthly basis.  You don't even have to think about it.  Select "Make Monthly Donation" at checkout.

In-Kind Support

In-Kind support allows you to be creative with your giving.  If you have cameras, computers, office space, services, or whatever you're able to provide our girls to help with facilitating our programs would surely be appreciated.  The sky is the limit.

Contact Us

Diamond in the Raw Foundation

10736 Jefferson Blvd. Ste. #464

Culver City, CA 90230



Phone: 800 566-4714

Fax: 800 566-4714

Connect with us

© 2024 by Diamonds in the Raw

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