Asha Thomas
2013 DITR People Choice Award
In the beginning of the summer I had no clue what I was going to do since school was out and my sister had to work. I had just moved to Los Angeles and didn’t know that many people. One day (Sunday) I went to church like usual and this particular day they had a raffle. It was for a program called Diamond in the Raw. At first I didn’t seem so interested until later when I found out more about the program. When the program started, I immediately started making friends. Throughout the summer I grew closer and closer to each and every one of the girls, so close I feel comfortable enough to call them my sisters, because they are. Over the summer I also was going through a lot with my family and home situation. This program allowed me to be temporarily free my mind as needed. I always had my fellow diamonds to lean back on. This program gave me the family I needed.